This month’s update is rainy, short, and sweet. Time for game design work has been minimal, so I’m hoping to focus on game development tasks. And also relaxing. This past month consisted of work on PREQUEL and Chain×Link.
Continue reading “2024 December Update”Category: Newsletter
2024 November Update
Last month was full of conventions (both for business and for pleasure). I lost my voice (twice!) but made a lot of progress on the development of all my projects. While I had a great time catching up with old friends and making new ones, I’m also glad to be back home to rest, find my bearings, and chart out the course for the next year.
Continue reading “2024 November Update”2024 October Update
The past four weeks have been focused on preparing for the many playtests I’ll be running at Gamehole Con and Big Bad Con. I’ll be running PREQUEL, Chain×Link, and Drawn from the Wellspring. I’ve also been delving into the world of art direction as I write art briefs and search for artists to commission for my many current and future projects.
Continue reading “2024 October Update”2024 September Update
Been putting my nose to the grindstone this month to get my games in development ready for playtesting. I’m not sure why, but I somehow convinced myself to commit to the ill-advised decision to develop three games simultaneously. But the blessing and curse of time is that it keeps moving!
Continue reading “2024 September Update”2024 August Update
Aside from Gen Con, this month has been (sadly) a relatively quiet game design month for me. I’ve been occupied with other life-things, but I wanted to make sure to write an update to keep the streak going.
Continue reading “2024 August Update”2024 July Update
I took a wonderful two-week vacation with my family, resulting in this update being pushed back a week. While the vacation was much needed, I’m also wishing I had another vacation after my vacation, since I had less time to write than I naively expected, but alas, such is life 😀
Continue reading “2024 July Update”2024 June Update
A look at what I’ve been up to this past month. It didn’t feel like I got much done this month, but looking back, I’ve made decent progress on all project fronts!
Continue reading “2024 June Update”2024 May Update
This past month’s update is short and sweet. I haven’t been productive with game design due to higher priorities, and that’s ok! I’ve been forcing myself to not constantly think about game design in every spare moment of mental space I have, and instead be more deliberate in when I want to work on games and when I want to consciously relax.
Continue reading “2024 May Update”2024 April Update
The first signs of Spring have arrived, and with it, updates!
Continue reading “2024 April Update”2024 March Update
Happy March for those who celebrate. Here’s an update as to what I’ve been up to this past month:
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