A look at what I’ve been up to this past month. It didn’t feel like I got much done this month, but looking back, I’ve made decent progress on all project fronts!
Continue reading “2024 June Update”Author: Ethan Yen
2024 May Update
This past month’s update is short and sweet. I haven’t been productive with game design due to higher priorities, and that’s ok! I’ve been forcing myself to not constantly think about game design in every spare moment of mental space I have, and instead be more deliberate in when I want to work on games and when I want to consciously relax.
Continue reading “2024 May Update”2024 April Update
The first signs of Spring have arrived, and with it, updates!
Continue reading “2024 April Update”2024 March Update
Happy March for those who celebrate. Here’s an update as to what I’ve been up to this past month:
Continue reading “2024 March Update”2024 February Update
So arriveth the second month of the year. January swept quickly by, but I managed to squeeze in a little game design for myself as a treat. I’m writing this update in my favorite coffee shop while gazing through the window, watching people walk by on a sunny, yet chilly, afternoon. So arriveth the second month of the year.
Continue reading “2024 February Update”2024 January Update
Happy Gregorian New Year! It’s hard to believe that we’re halfway through January already. Here’s what I’ve been up to this past month:
Continue reading “2024 January Update”2023 Reflections
As the calendar year draws to a close, I wanted to reflect on my creative journey for 2023. I struggle with giving myself permission to be proud of my accomplishments, so I’m hoping this exercise will help me realize how far I’ve come since 365 days previous. I also want to express my gratitude for the opportunities I received, and the people that I have met along the way.
Continue reading “2023 Reflections”PREQUEL: Design Diary 02
This is the 2nd entry in my design diary for the design of PREQUEL, a one-shot tactical tabletop roleplaying game of heroic sacrifices. You can find the first entry here.
Now that I have an idea of the tone of PREQUEL, the next step is to determine how I want the Final Fight to work. For the most part, the Final Fight works like it does in HUNT. The biggest change is adding in the ability to identify and preserve the weaknesses. The addition of these mechanics also affects how Heroes, and their Powers and Abilities, are designed. This theme of weaknesses, and how they are exploited or hidden by both the Evil and Heroes will be a central theme in PREQUEL.
Continue reading “PREQUEL: Design Diary 02”PREQUEL: Design Diary 01
The Evil swept across the land, laying claim to all we hold dear. We few stood together to face it. But we were unprepared. It is too late for us now, our fates sealed the moment we entered into its domain. We never stood a chance…but the ones after us might. All we can do now is to confront this Evil, uncover the weaknesses within it, and pass on the knowledge we’ve gained for the heroes after us before we perish.
We will fall, but we are not the end.
That’s the pitch anyway. Prequel (that’s the working title of the game), is a tabletop roleplaying game of heroic sacrifices that is designed to be played a single session and tell the story of a group of heroes that are fighting a great Evil, only to discover that this Evil far outmatches them and there is no hope of victory. Their objective instead is to fight the Evil, uncover its weaknesses, and preserve this information so that it can be used by the next heroes…all before they die.
Continue reading “PREQUEL: Design Diary 01”Subscribe to my Blog
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