Been putting my nose to the grindstone this month to get my games in development ready for playtesting. I’m not sure why, but I somehow convinced myself to commit to the ill-advised decision to develop three games simultaneously. But the blessing and curse of time is that it keeps moving!
Six Arrows to Sunset
Of course, I somehow still managed to squeeze in a one-page game for the One Page RPG Jam 2024. I wrote what I’m calling an experimental GM-less storytelling game called Six Arrows to Sunset. It incorporates bluffing as a core mechanic, where the way players describe challenges has implications for how the game progresses. It’s a game very much out of my wheelhouse of game design, but I’m happy with the product given the rapid development timeline I had. At one point, it was the seventh most popular submission of the game jam! A huge thanks to Francita Soto for doing the layout and graphic elements of the game on such short notice. She absolutely nailed the visual design of the game. You can get the game for free here:

James and I have been working hard on getting the rules and materials ready for playtesting in October. James wrote a devlog on his blog, and I posted one on my blog as well. If you’re interested in getting notified when the game goes live for crowdfunding, you can sign up here:

Spencer Campbell of Gila RPGs is crowdfunding his looter shooter TTRPG, LOOT this week, September 17th! I wrote a collection of themed enemies for the game and will be appearing on Spencer’s Twitch Stream next week to discuss the game and create some LOOT inspired by our favorite media! Back the game here:

Looking Ahead
I’m working on putting together playtest materials for Chain×Link and Drawn from the Wellspring! There’s nothing like a public playtest to get the gears churning and words writing to make sure I have something I’m proud of showing, even in a developing state. I’m excited to get these ready and in front of more people.